Clubs in Thornhill


There are a number of clubs in the neighborhood open to all Thornhill residents. Active clubs are listed below. Stay updated with specific upcoming events by joining Thornhill NextDoor and Facebook pages (search for "Thornhill Community NC" on Facebook).

Ladies Bunco

This group meets on the second Thursday of each month. No previous experience required, and no need to commit to coming every month. We'd love to have you whenever you can make it. Contact: Christy Spencer

Men's Poker Nights

This group meets the one evening per month. Contact Eric Frederich for more details.

Thornhill Tornadoes Swim Team

Thornhill Tornadoes Website
To paraphrase our league's motto, Let the children swim! We strive to provide the encouragement and fellowship to allow each child to grow and enjoy their world. We expose the children to the true sense of community, by observing their parents and neighbors volunteering to fill the various roles, that make the swim season successful. While our focus is our children, a secondary objective is that their parents get to know their neighbors as well! If you are interested in the youth swim team, the Thornhill Tornadoes, please contact Michelle Ludwiczak